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ASNC IT Department

IMPORTANT! Double check the spelling of the Employee Name and the Assigned Email Address for accuracy.

Supervisor Name*
Supervisor Email*
Supervisor Phone/Ext
Hire type
Employee type
Employee name
Position title
Position location
Start date
Employee needs these items (Note: Five business days needed to prep and deliver)
Replacement hire? Name of previous employee
Replacement hire? Nextiva direct dial & ext # to be assigned to onboarding employee
Assigned email address @autismsociety-nc.org
SharePoint Access
Add to Distribution Mailing Lists
Is this position a Supervisor? (Y/N)?
NOTE: To select multiple items for "NEEDS THESE ITEMS", hold down the CONTROL KEY and click on each item.

Use the additional space below to provide detail about this onboarding request. Please be as specific as possible.

Access code
Copy the code here:
Please provide additional information below:

File 1
File 2
File 3

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